Pengaruh Gaya Dan Situasi Kepemimpinan Terhadap Iklim Kerja Organisasi (Studi Kasus Pada SMK Analis Kimia YKPI Bogor)
This research was conducted to measure whether there is an influence of leadership style and leadership on the climate situation at the organization's work SMK chemical analyst YKPI Bogor located at Jl.KH Ahmad Sobana, Housing Bantarjati, Bogor.
Research carried out by the used data through questionnaires to the entire staff and staff in vocational Bogor YKPI chemical analyst with the number of respondents 50 respondents, and the overall number of respondents used in this study (saturated sample). The independent variable in this study is the style of leadership as leadership situation as X1 and X2. As for the dependent variable is the organization's work climate. Techniques of data analysis is to use multiple linear regression analysis using SPPS Version 20:00 tool that can generate significant value more accurately.
After the measurements obtained results that both variables san style leadership situation has a significant impact on the organization's work climate, and partially variable leadership style has a value greater than the coefficient of the variable leadership situation. And independent variables simultaneously has the same effect on the organization's work climate variables.
Keyword: leadership styles, leadership situation and organizational work climate
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